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HNWI Financial Advice

Our Services

Being a part of planning for the financial future of clients is a huge honour and a responsibility that we do not take lightly. This is why we get to know you and what is important. ​


Wealth management combines a suite of services that includes investment management and financial planning, as well as tax services, retirement planning and estate planning. 

It is designed to cover all aspects of your financial life with a view to developing but also preserving your wealth over the long term.

While many of us understand the need to protect our assets – be they personal or business – from unnecessary tax or risks, few truly understand the need to prepare a risk aversion and investment strategy for their personal finances.

Our tailored wealth management service provides just that. It is designed to help you protect your wealth against the effects of unnecessary tax, inflation and investment risk giving you peace of mind that your money will help you achieve your long-term personal goals and a healthy retirement.

Our wealth management service involves getting to know you first to assess your situation. We will ask you about your assets, about your income and expenditure and your current tax position. We will find out what’s important to you and why.

We offer objective, independent advice and bespoke solutions and work with a range of technical specialists in order to fulfil our recommendations and ensure every aspect of your wealth is designed to suit your needs.

We’ll continue the journey by regularly consulting with you to keep your wealth management plan relevant and up-to-date so it always has your best interest at heart. 


With life expectancy continuing to rise, preparing for the future has never been more important.

These days there are so many options when it comes to planning your retirement it can all get very confusing. At one end of the scale are ‘annuities’ which offer a dependable and secure income for life, while at the other end are the more flexible – but riskier – ‘drawdown’ options, where you take control of the payments.

We also understand that many people wish to explore the option of transferring out of a defined benefit pension in return for a cash value. This is a very complex decision, which needs careful consideration.

At Bespoke Financial Advice we will help you navigate what has become a complicated landscape of current and historic pension schemes, and the regulatory changes that have impacted them.

We understand the many subtle and stark differences between the various pension plans in existence today, as well as the regulatory requirements for transferring your pension and the steps needed to safeguard your benefits while you transfer.

The decision as to whether or not to transfer a pension must be determined on an individual basis. Due to the risks involved, you should never transfer a pension without the advice of a qualified pension transfer specialist.


Private banking is where our expertise really comes into its own for high-net-worth individuals.

Private banking offers you a personal service and enviable solutions, as well as the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your personal financial situation is both understood and safeguarded.

At Bespoke Financial Advice, we can provide bespoke, investment-related advice for all your financial needs.

Whether you are looking to expand, protect or pass on your wealth, our aim is to help you realise your financial ambitions. Our expertise can help you prepare for whatever the future may hold, including optimising your inheritance planning.

Whatever your financial objectives – asset management, brokerage or tax consulting packages – we have agreements in place with a number of valued partners which will enable us to find the right private banking solution for you.

We work closely with you to build a relationship based on trust and transparency and we strive to ensure you are always fully informed and confident in your decisions. We know that your personal circumstances, and the industry, can change, and we are always ready to adapt quickly and securely.


How transparent are your existing fees, do you know what your true cost of ownership is?

Understanding Why Investment Fees Matter

Investing your hard-earned money is a crucial step toward achieving your financial goals. However, it's not just about choosing the right investments; it's also important to consider the fees associated with your investment choices. Investment fees can have a significant impact on your overall returns, potentially affecting the growth of your portfolio over time. At Bespoke Financial Advice, we are committed to helping you navigate the complex world of investment fees and ensuring that you make informed decisions for a prosperous financial future.

The Impact of Investment Fees

Many investors often underestimate the impact that fees can have on their investment returns. Even seemingly small percentage differences in fees can compound over the years, leading to substantial differences in your portfolio's value. High fees can erode your potential gains and diminish the long-term growth potential of your investments. Understanding the various types of fees, such as management fees, expense ratios, and transaction costs, is essential to making well-informed investment choices.

At Bespoke Financial Advice, we specialise in helping you review your investment charges to ensure they are aligned with your financial objectives. We understand the intricacies of investment fees and how they can impact on your returns.


Don't let investment fees hinder your financial growth. By minimising fees and maximising returns, you can unlock your full financial potential and work towards a more secure and prosperous future.

HNWI Financial Advice

We are able to advise and provide solutions to a wide range of personal financial areas.


Areas of Specialism


We offer for you an all-round financial planning and advisory service, but we are able to offer you specialist advice in the following areas:​​


  • Wealth Management

  • Cash Flow Modelling

  • Pensions & Retirement Planning

  • Investment Advice

  • Life Protection

  • Tax Planning

  • Inheritance Tax Planning and Trusts​ 


To talk to us about any aspect of your finances,

HNWI Financial Advice

Bespoke Financial Consultation

We are committed to managing every aspect of our customer's financial life, from estate planning to tax planning to saving for retirement and working toward their long-term financial goals.

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